BopCo is jointly run by
the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences and the Royal Museum for Central Africa,
and is financed by Belspo.


BopCo is specialized in the identification of species of policy concern such as invasive alien species, disease vectors, pests, and protected species (e.g., CITES), using both morphological and DNA-based identification tools.

We also provide kinship analyses for protected parrots and birds of prey.


BopCo has access to an extensive research infrastructure and a comprehensive taxonomic expertise at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences and the Royal Museum for Central Africa.

The seven molecular laboratories are ideal for a wide range of protocols and organisms, including the handling of ancient or environmental DNA, and are equipped with state of the art technologies for DNA quality control, purification, preparation, and sequencing.


BopCo’s services are solicited by a broad range of national and foreign stakeholders, including governments and agencies at the national, regional and local level (e.g., customs, CITES-authorities), as well as research institutions, NGOs, private companies, citizen science initiatives, and the general public.

Want to know more? Have a look at the BopCo website.